Interview With Donnie, Husband of Roni Loren

Donnie is the husband of Roni Loren, author of CRASH INTO YOU which was #2 on the Barnes and Nobles Trade Romance Bestseller’s List. Here we have the glimpse into what it’s like to be married to a woman who writes erotic fiction.

 1.      Was Roni a writer when you met?

 Nope.  She was in college studying to be a counselor or therapist.  We were together many years before the whole writing thing came together.

 2.      What did you find sexiest about Roni when you were first dating?

 She loved (still does) 80’s hair metal.  I mean, don’t get me wrong.  She was (still is) very easy on the eyes.  But when I saw her playing air guitar to Motley Crue’s Kickstart My Heart, I was over the moon.

 3.      What do you find sexiest about your wife now?

There are many things on this list.  I think I love most how freaking smart she is.

 4.      What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done together?

 We don’t have a lot of hallmark moments in our relationship.  We’ve always been totally happy as long as we were hanging out together doing just about anything.  I think that’s why we are a strong couple.  Romance comes without a ton of frills or effort.

But I won’t totally bail on the question so here goes.  Very early in our relationship, when we lived in different states, we would literally talk on the phone 2-3 hours every night.  I spent like $600 bucks one month on prepaid phone cards.  Remember those?  Those calls were how we got to know each other and ultimately how we fell for each other.   Very romantic.

5.      Of all the additional tasks that a writer has to do—editing, blogging, promotion, etc.—what has surprised you the most?

The amount of time involved to get everything done.

6.      Have you ever been Roni’s arm candy at a writing event?

She bought me a ticket to the awards banquet at RT Times convention in April.  This will be my debut as arm candy.  I’m planning on bringing my A game 🙂

7.      Do you actively help her with promotion?

There isn’t a real way for me to do that directly (that I’ve figured out yet).  I’ve got a few friends who definitely bought the first book and they promote it.  Most of my acquaintances are from business relationships I have made and the genre doesn’t necessary blend into conversations with corporate America (sad, but true).

8.      How did Roni go from writing Young Adult stories to writing Erotic, bondage-related fiction?

I there were a few factors.  She loves a lot of authors in her genre so that is what she read (along with other genres).  Her love of the genre along with her talent as a writer just magically came together and here we are.

9.      How did your parents react when they found out what their daughter-in-law writes?

What!!! My parents know!!!  Who told them???  J/K.  They are supportive and I think it’s fine.  I sort of left lots, and lots of details out about content and just told them for the sake of everybody, don’t read it (or I will kill you).  Seems to be fine.

10.    Have you read CRASH INTO YOU? What did you think?

Yes I did and I absolutely loved it.  Sure, I’m biased.  But seriously, it’s an outstanding read.

11.    Jo Davis, author of I SPY A DARK OBSESSION and WHEN ALEX WAS BAD had this to say about your wife’s book: “…a sexy, sizzling tale that is sure to have readers begging for more! I can’t wait for Roni Loren’s next tantalizing story!” If you were writing a one-liner to describe CRASH INTO YOU, what would it be?

I’m a dude.  This is pretty simple.  “It Kicks Ass people”

12.    Do you ever visit or comment on Roni’s blog?

Now and then.  I’ve actually been involved in a couple of posts and really enjoyed that.  Also, who wouldn’t look forward to Boyfriend of the Week?  Ok, that may have been a touch sarcastic, sorry…

13.    If you were making a playlist for Roni to use while writing the steamiest scenes, what would be the top 5 songs?

Ahh…music questions.

1.  Pour Some Sugar On Me – Def Leppard

2.  Slave – Britney

3.  These arms of Mine (from Dirty Dancing) – Otis Redding

4.  Bad Romance – Gaga

5.  Lips of an Angel- Hinder

14.    If you were making a playlist for Roni to use while editing and revising, what would be the top 5 songs?

Totally braincramped.  Can’t put myself in that state of mind b/c never done it.

15.    If Katy Perry was to do a remake of some 80’s heavy metal, what should she choose?

Roni, did you put her up to this?  Well, since you asked, Katy is supremely talented and could pull off just about any vocal.  I’d like to see her cover Panama by Van Halen.

16.    What kind of reality shows do you watch?

Never missed one episode of American Idol or Big Brother.

17.    Do you cook?

Yes, totally, but not very often.  Roni loves to cook and is kind of a control freak about it.  Right now she’s nodding in agreement after reading that last sentence.

But occasionally I do cook us a dinner.  I am in charge of Valentines night this year and looking forward to that.  I also do dishes…

18.    One question I often ask writers is “What is your favorite non-electronic writing tool?” Here is your wife’s answer:  My husband, who doesn’t blink an eye when I ask things like, “If you had me up against a wall and my hands were here, would you be able to…” His answer is always—well, let’s try that out to see if it works. *rolls eyes* Such a self-sacrificing man, donating himself for research so willingly. 

So, have you ever found something that just wouldn’t possibly work?

Not yet.  I have started mixing yoga classes into my gym routine (just in case)…

19.    For Roni’s readers who can’t wait for more, when is her next release?

Roni, you answer this so I don’t screw it up.

MELT INTO YOU, book 2, will release July 3rd. I also have an ebook-only novella coming out the month before in June called STILL INTO YOU.

20.    Who shot first? Han or Greedo?

I’ve always been torn, but, according to wikipedia, it was Han

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About AmyBeth Inverness

A writer by birth, a redhead by choice.
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18 Responses to Interview With Donnie, Husband of Roni Loren

  1. Super cute guy! Roni, you are a lucky girl.

  2. I am so jealous that you have such a supportive husband!

    When mine stops making fun of me for reading your book he might actually receive some awesome side benefits 😉

  3. This was such an adorable interview. I laughed out loud several times. We should have more spouses do this! =)

  4. Roni, I think your husband could possibly be related to mine… Or maybe it’s just guys are all alike. *giggles* Still, my eyes are tearing from the laughter. So nice of him to take the interview for him. And he cooks and does dishes too? What a catch!

    :} Cathryn

  5. I love the idea of interviewing a novelist’s husband, especially when the novelist writes erotica! This was such a cute interview – Roni, you have an awesome guy! 🙂 Maybe I should start writing erotica… my hubby would be totally willing to help me “research” for that! 🙂

  6. I’ve read some of Donnie’s posts before and he is such a crack up. You guys make an awesome couple. Good luck with your arm-candy-debut!

  7. Happy Birthday, Donnie! Love that you’re taking up yoga, just remember that not all of the guys in her books will be so flexible. Still, it’s your bedroom that counts the most 😉 Great interview!

    • Roni Loren says:

      Lol, what’s funny is the night he finished this interview, there was a whole story on the news about how yoga benefits your sex life. Though, I have to say when I’m in yoga, trying not to fall on my face, sexy is about the last thing I feel. 🙂

  8. Such a fun interview. Thanks for sharing, Roni’s hubby! 🙂

  9. Love the answer to #18 🙂

    And Han did shoot first.

  10. Pingback: What It's Like To Be Married To a Writer | Annie Neugebauer

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