
ROW80LogocopyA busy week, but I specifically added the goal of not letting writing-related stuff trump actual-writing stuff more than half the week. It kinda did. Yes, I had important stuff that needed to be done, but in the end if no actual writing takes place, it all comes to a screeching halt. I did have a couple good days, but that needs to be at least four to count as a good week.

I came across the ‘Pacemaker Plan‘ which is similar to NaNoWriMo’s word count tool. As an experiment, I picked my warm-up novella, The Beekeeper’s Mother, and said I would write 25k between October 15 & 30. I still need to finish up a short for The Cities of Luna…hopefully I can do that tonight. Then tomorrow, I start writing at a NaNo pace…while still keeping up with promo, edits, etc.

I’m pretty sure I can do this. It’s definitely a challenge, but it’s doable.

Next week, I’ll be starting to look for hosts for a blog tour. More details then! It’ll probably happen the last week of November… after Thanksgiving.

About AmyBeth Inverness

A writer by birth, a redhead by choice.
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5 Responses to Ummm…Er…~cough~

  1. That’s an awesome goal! I might have to steal it. I’m horribly guilty of letting writing-related stuff trump actual writing myself. Good luck with The Beekeeper’s Mother!

  2. You mean, talking about your story with your accountabilibuddy doesn’t count towards actual writing?
    It sounds like you’re really excited about the upcoming blog tour. 😀 That’s great news! I look forward to hearing more!
    Best of luck going forward toward your goals!

  3. Cindy says:

    Sometimes it is a necessary evil, but sounds like you are making it work. Hang in there. And it’s it’s ~clears throat~ Stop! It’s NaNo time… ~bursts into MC Hammer beats. It’ll be a good time, AmyBeth. 🙂

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